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About PLM Coach

PLM stands for "Prevention and Lifestyle Medicine" - an exciting and emerging area in medicine.

PLM Coach is an evidence-based, person-centered health promotion program that pairs UBC medical students passionate about promoting health with BC community members interested in building on their health habits. 

PLM Coach has two goals: enhancing community members’ health while providing meaningful opportunities for medical students to practice working with patients on preventative medicine and lifestyle change. We're passionate about helping you optimize your health. 

Image by Dylan Ferreira

How is PLM Coach Structured?

With PLM Coach you'll be partnered with an MD student health coach for 6 sessions over about 2-3 months. 

For the first month, you'll meet over video call or telephone with your coach once per week, for between 30-60 minutes to set goals and create plans. 

In each meeting, you'll discuss different aspects of your health and chart a course forward. Your coach will help you use the latest in health and psychological research to create highly effective action plans.  

As time goes on, you and your coach may meet less frequently as you progress in your health goals. After 6 sessions, you'll graduate from PLM Coach (don't worry, you can come back!)

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What's the science behind PLM Coach?

Health Coaching  is a rapidly expanding field that aims to help people secure health behaviour patterns that optimize their health and prevent and manage chronic disease.


PLM Coach  is evidence-based, developed out of two prior clinical trials by Dr. Brodie Sakakibara at UBC-Okanagan. The most recent study, "COACH" – a medical student-delivered video health coaching program – was highly successful in establishing existing capacity and demand for health coaching among BC’s community-members. The COACH program provided the framework for PLM Coach core programmatic structure.

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PLM Coach | 2022

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